Wednesday, October 30, 2013

6 Reasons why I might shutdown

Well, this may be hard for some fans to digest. Here it goes.
Why I might shut-down this blog:

1. My parents don't like that my life is online but I only give my site name to friends and family and tell them not to give it to anyone else (without my permission).
2. I don't really have time to blog anyways.
3. No one ever really reads my blog or even leave comments.
4. people I don't want on my blog some how managed to get on (you must hate them because they are the reason I'm shutting down).
5. People make fun of me and say that I don't have a life and that I only blog to try to make friends (they are total turds) (yea! I typed that!).
6. If you go to private school you would know how mush home work we get there (relating to #2)

Possible shut-down?

Yes, its true... I might shut down this site. The next post will have the reasons why.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

my birth day!!

my birthday is in 2 days!! December 17!!!

 I hope you wish me a happy birthday!!! :)

Sunday, December 9, 2012

lego chalenge!!!

Horizontal Building is a challenge for even the best builders! Gather your LEGO® construction crew and as many LEGO pieces as you can for the Bridge the Gap challenge. Start piecing together your design and see just how far you can build the bridge. Think about the number of supports you’ll need and what kind of design will hold the most weight. When you’re finished, start stacking weight on your creation and see just how sturdy it is!